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Some Examples of Small Breed Dogs

Some Examples of Small Breed Dogs

Small dogs are great for a number of reasons. Unlike medium and large dogs, you don t have to worry about living in a small apartment, or not being able to handle one as you get older. To many dogs are abandoned because their owner became elderly and could no longer take care of a larger dog. They are far easier to feed, and some you can even train to use a litter box. They make great companions, because they can sit next to you or in your lap.

There are three different types of small breed dogs. You have your regular small dogs, like beagles, terriers and Dachshunds. These are the larger of the small breeds. The are also toy and miniature dogs, Yorkshire terriers, Pomeranian, and the pug are some examples. All of these breeds make good companion dogs, and they can travel well, with small toy dogs that can fit inside a large handbag. Toy dogs tend to shed less and can be picked up when you need to move faster.

Among the top ten most popular small dog breeds are the Yorkshire Terrier, the Dachshunds, and the poodle, just to name a few. The miniature Schnauzer comes in tenth, but is still a great dog. They want to be a part of the family and included in everything they do. They are a great watch dog, in the sense they can alert you to danger, like someone trying to break into your home, but they can t do much else. Some are more aggressive than others, and will try to bite a stranger that gets to close to their owner. Pomeranian, Chihuahuas and Boston terriers are some that try to bite.

If you want to own a small dog, there are some things to watch out for. One is that many of these breeds have dental problems later on in life, gingivitis, tooth decay, and a tendency for an under bite. You will have to keep a sharp eye out for this, and talk to your veterinarian for advice on how to prevent it. You may have to brush their teeth, or give them some different food. If you get a long haired dog, you will have to groom it at least once a day to prevent knots and matting. You can keep the dog s coat short if you live in areas that are warmer. In the Winter you need to be careful also, because smaller dogs can catch a cold and have upper respiratory problems if out in the elements too long. They are more fragile so you have to be careful not to injure them, or let them around large dogs, since they have a bad habit of wanting to be the boss.

You can find out more information about smaller breed dogs on numerous websites. Smaller dogs seem to be more popular that their larger brothers, and are not always available at animal shelters and dog adoption agencies. You can find local pet stores and dog breeders in your area online. There are also many different tips on how to take care of them, and what kind of special care some will need.


Training Your Dogs With the Petsafe Wireless Pet Containment System

Training Your Dogs With the Petsafe Wireless Pet Containment System

One of the situations that give pet owners a lot of headaches is when their dogs manage to get out of their property. This is because dogs can cause a lot of harm to itself and others harm for which the owner is liable. For example, if a dog bites someone, the owner is bound to pay monetary damages and even be obliged to pay for the needed medical attention.

A dog repeatedly jumping over the fence and biting others can also be labeled as “dangerous” by local authorities. When this happens, the dog can be ordered to be “destroyed” or killed. No dog owner would want that to happen, as a dog can be an extension of family for most animal lovers.

Because of the consequences, dog owners need a way to be able to stop those things from happening. The only way to do that is to train a dog to recognize the jurisdiction in which he can walk freely. Fences can do that job to a certain extent, but dogs are too intelligent not to notice an opportunity to climb up the fence if it is too low and jump over it.

That’s where a Petsafe wireless pet containment system comes in. This new technology is an evolution of the physical barrier; it works the same way by reminding dogs how far they can walk freely from the house or property. However, it uses an invisible barrier instead.

How Does it Work?

First, there are two components in a wireless containment system. The first one is the wireless electronic signal transmitter, which forms the core of the containment system. This system sends signals from anywhere within 90 feet of the transmitter in all directions to find out where the dog is.

The second component is the wireless receiver collar. This one works similarly to any ordinary dog collar you know. The only difference is that these collars are capable of emitting an electrostatic signal that stimulates the dog. This signal is triggered when the dog goes beyond the boundary, which is marked by a flag. When the dog does that, the transmitter triggers the stimulation that the collar gives the dog.

The system takes advantage of the dog’s mentality of associating stimulus with an act. For example, if a dog bites your foot and you give him a spanking each time he does that, he’ll associate the spanking with the biting and will avoid doing it. That’s just one way of training a dog, and the pet containment system does exactly that for you. It tells the dog that it is bad to step over the boundary by giving him the figurative “spanking” in the form of an electrostatic stimulation.

With a wireless pet containment system, you can now enjoy the benefits of having a very effective pet training means that will teach your canines to avoid exceeding their free space. Moreover, the wireless pet containment system is also very safe to use dogs. It’s also not harmful to humans, especially to children.


Breeding Dogs A Great Responsibility With a Big Effect

Breeding Dogs A Great Responsibility With a Big Effect

Dog breeders have a huge responsibility, when you consider the number of dogs in shelters today, some of which are there due to poor or no breeder management or planning.

It takes no thought to put two dogs of the opposite sex together and produce a litter of pups. The thought process should begin long before that decision is even made and consider the overall picture and the big effect produced by lack of thought to proper mating, not just for that litter but the offspring produced by each in the future.

With that said here is food for thought or at least to begin the thought process.

Breeding dogs is really inviting if you’re a dog lover. You’ll begin to spread your passion for the animals and you ll be able to even make money. However, there is a good deal to consider prior to beginning.

First of all you need to understand is that your dog might not fill the bill. You should breed dogs that are from the highest stock. It is likewise crucial to be sure they have an even disposition and are without any hereditary flaws you may be passing on.

For the good of the pups, never breed a dog that possesses these problems. Make sure your bitch can manage a litter and is at least two yrs old. If not, it’s not a good thought to breed.

If your bitch fits all the prerequisites you all but have a go ahead. Next, you want to consider the pups that would arrive out of the breeding. It is important to be sure you have plenty of room for puppies in a space that can deal with the noise level.

It can be very nerve wracking being there for the birth of these puppies and the entire procedure could take over 12 hours. Beyond that you need to be there to tidy up afterwards; then comes the time to wean them, and feed them. The food and extra materials could wind up costing a lot of money. Don’t forget about the vet bills either. Immunizing your puppies at the proper times helps prevent health issues down the road

Beyond the first months of care you need to work out what you’re going to do with the puppies. Whether they are mixed breed or pedigree you may want to sell or give them away. Obviously, a pedigreed dog is worth a lot more money to prospective buyers than a mixed breed and certain breeds command more money than others do.

Then you need to consider there may be a puppy or two that will remain with you long after the rest of the litter has gone. Are you prepared to deal with this possible scenario and the added expense?

Make sure you don’t simply pass on the puppies to anybody that walks into your facility. You want to make certain they are going to a safe household. If you find out that they were taken to an unsuitable placement you might even need to look at taking them back.

If you’ve made up your mind that breeding is what you desire then you can get going to look for a stud dog. If your bitch is pedigreed then you want to make certain the stud comes from equal quality background. You can also analyze the female dog’s weaknesses and line up a stud that will compensate for those failings. For instance, one may not have a beautiful coat but you can make up for it with the other.

Just remember that money is not the ultimate goal here. Breeding quality animals and making sure they have a wonderful life is. You can have a very fulfilling time as a dog breeder as long as you stick with these rules of thumb.


The Best Dogs For Family Pets

The Best Dogs For Family Pets

Many families have a family pet rather it be a cat, a dog, a hamster, a fish, or a bird or one of many other options but often families will invite a pet into the home and then realize that the pet doesn't quite fit into their family well. This most commonly happens with dogs as there are a good number of dogs that are not necessarily meant to be the pet of a family with children living in the household. Families who wind up bringing such a dog into the home are often left having to make a tough decision regarding the fate of the animal and it can be very difficult for the whole family. It makes much more sense to do a bit of research and choose the right dog for your family before bringing one home as there are a number of breeds that are perfect for families with children in the home.

One of the most common breeds of dogs for families with small children is the golden retriever. These dogs not only have an extremely gentle disposition but they are also quite easy to train as well. Golden retrievers are known not only for their gentleness with adults and small children but with other dogs as well and since golden retrievers love to play they will make great companions for energetic children in that way as well. On average golden retrievers grow to be approximately sixty five to seventy five pounds which means they should be in a larger home with a significant amount of room to play.

Another common family dog is the cocker spaniel. This breed of dog is considerably small and very well tempered making it a great breed even for smaller homes with smaller yards. Cocker spaniels generally grow to be approximately thirteen to thirty pounds and are very good with children which make them ideal for families with a toddler in the home.

A beagle also makes a great dog for a family pet and like the cocker spaniel is also small in size. Beagles tend to only grow to be approximately forty to fifty nine pounds unless they are cross bred with another breed that is significantly larger in size. Beagles do extremely well with children and make adorable, lovable pets but should be steered away from those homes that have family members with allergy issues as they do tend to shed.

Finally, another great choice for families is the Bassett hound. These types of dogs are similar in size to the beagle but require much less exercise making them ideal for busy families. Bassett hounds usually grow to be somewhere in the range of fifty to sixty five pounds and are known to be non biters, making them great pets for children as well as adults.

Choosing the right dog for your family can be a difficult decision but if you'research the different breeds and base your decision on the common temperaments for a specific breed you will likely choose the right dog for you and family and pet can live happily ever after.


Overweight or Underweight Dogs

Dogs working in the Field are usually in Top Physical Form

Despite their athletic nature, hunting dogs can be overweight dogs and can fall into a sedentary nature if not provided with enough exercise. Without an exercise program, these otherwise fit, energetic breeds can become lazy and inactive.

An estimated 40 of dogs are considered to be overweight or obese. The most common cause of overweight dogs is obvious, their caloric intake is greater than what is burned off in a day. Excess calories turn into fat, and over time this causes the dog to gain weight.

Hunting dogs fed a high calorie, protein dense food for athletic dogs are at particular risk for canine obesity, as their exercise level must be kept high in order to use up the calories that they are being fed. A dog being fed a high performance diet must adhere to strict exercise regimen, in order to prevent excessive weight gain. Fat dogs out hunting is not a pretty sight!

Veterinarians use a standardized Body Condition Score system to categorize overweight dogs. The scoring system runs from 1 9, with one being extremely thin, and 9 being morbidly obese.

As a general rule, the An ideal range for the body condition score for dogs is between a 4 and 5.

At a Body Condition Score (BCS) of 4 and 5, the dog should have ribs that can be easily felt under the skin, but not seen. The dogs should have a waist (a narrowing of their width behind the ribcage), as well as an abdomen that is tucked when seen from the side.

Dogs with a BCS of 6 and 7 are too heavy. Their ribs may be just barely felt under the skin.

Instead of a waist, they are flat from ribs to hindquarters. Overweight dogs in this category should have their exercise level increased, and caloric intake decreased. With a BCS of 8 or 9 they are considered morbidly obese or are commonly called fat dogs.

Their ribs cannot be felt over the skin, and have areas of fat deposits over their back, base of the tail, chest, neck or legs. Instead of a waist, they have an abdominal bulge and are wider in the abdomen than in the hips.

Their abdomens may appear distended and enlarged, and hang below the level of the ribcage. These dogs should be evaluated by a veterinarian for underlying health problems, as well as begin a weight reduction program under veterinary supervision.

Beware of Diabetes in dogs and other health ailments

Overweight dogs at this level are at risk for a variety of health problems: severe joint, muscle and ligament problems, as well as respiratory and cardiac complications. Diabetes in dogs is also a threat.

It is important to remember that just because your dog was bred for an athletic lifestyle, his energy level and fitness depend on you.

Keep your dog fit, healthy and not overweight. Dogs can then be assured good health and hopefully a long life.

Now for underweight dogs

Hunting dogs are athletes. But, sometimes you can have an underweight dog. Their excellent work ethic and eager to please spirit make them the ideal partner for a variety of athletic endeavors.

Like human athletes, the nutritional requirements for active dogs must be adjusted to meet their unique needs.

Due to their high activity levels and the strain placed on their body during hunts and trails, performance and hunting dogs require a superior level of nutrients and calories than the average house dog.

It is not uncommon for hunting dogs to be on the thin side, and often a healthy, athletic hunter, may seem like an underweight dog compared to the same dog kept as just a pet.

However, it is important to access your dog s nutritional requirements, and balance them with the proper diet to ensure optimum health and best performance.

Veterinarians use a standardized Body Condition Score (BCS) system to evaluate the condition of a dogs overall health and ideal weight. The BCS scale is from 1 9, with 1 being malnourished and 9 being morbidly obese.

As a general rule, the ideal range for the body condition score for dogs is between a 4 and 5.

At this level, the dog should have ribs that can be easily felt under the skin, but not seen.

The dogs should have a waist (a narrowing of their width behind the ribcage), as well as an abdomen that is tucked up when seen from the side.

In highly active, performance dogs, a BCS of 3 may be considered a healthy weight. These dogs have a high percentage of lean body mass, with ribs that can be slightly seen under the skin, and obviously felt. The very tips of their spine or pelvis bones may be discernible, and they have a waist.

Dogs with a body condition score of a 1 to 2 are underweight, and their diets and or performance demands must be adjusted. In these dogs, their ribs, hip, pelvic and backbones can all be clearly seen, and a loss of muscle mass is evident.

Dogs with a body condition score of 3 or less should be evaluated for possible diet changes, to provide more balanced, high calorie nutrition for the dog. In dogs that are well fed, but score persistently low on the BCS system, a veterinarian should be consulted to check for possible underlying medical problems, such as internal parasites that may be preventing the pet from absorbing the nutrients from his food.


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