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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc.

Grapes, nuts, and your dog health - prevent food which should Fido

Grapes, nuts, and your dog health - prevent food which should Fido

"Magoo was a great playful Labrador retriever who often got himself into dangerous situations ..."

Thus, a story starts from the latest report from the ASPCA on foods toxic to dogs. It turns out that Magoo came into the office and hung around a pound of raisins. He ate everything, of course.

The ASPCA never mentions Magoo's fate. But they say as little as a handful of raisins can harm the health of dogs and some were fatal. Ditto for the grape.

Who knows?

Growing up, I regarded our family dogs as "the first cycle of the dishwasher." You good, the waiting part, what we were left on our plates and we were not too affected by the "people food". It never entered my mind that our dogs health by a few table scraps of misery could be affected. What was safe for us, we understood, was safe for our pets.

Besides, if I ate grapes, I wanted one or two of our German Shepherd "Tiffany". The grapes always jumped out of his mouth as if to bite her and Tiffany tried, always the good sport, refused to everything she was crushed into submission. It guarantees a minimum of 60 seconds harmless fun.

Tiffany was also fond of chewing gum (she chewed - all packaging materials - but do not swallow!) We had the sugarless kind, which is often sweetened these days with xylitol.

I do not know I could have poisoned our pets! (More on xylitol below).

Why are grapes harmful?

How to go on grapes and raisins, no one knows why they are harmful. It was confirmed that the grapes grown without fertilizers or pesticides can be toxic to the dogs. But not for all dogs, not every time. It is not known whether small amounts eaten over a longer period would have a cumulative effect.

What we do know is that the final outcome of reported cases of almost all the grapes or raisins toxic acute renal failure. (The term "acute" means that the condition is serious and is progressing rapidly.) The dog ultimately can not produce urine that does not mean they filter toxins from their system - a process essential to life.

During the twelve month period in which the effects of the grapes were studied, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center handled 140 cases with one or more dogs. More than a third of the dogs developed symptoms ranging from vomiting to kidney failure and died seven dogs. The ASPCA base their study on reported cases, there can, of course, cases where the health of dogs is to be completely affected by eating grapes. But until they know all the facts, the Society advises against feeding pets grapes or raisins in any quantity.

An ounce of prevention

So, your dog just scored himself a big box of raisins. What is a pet owner to do?

The first line of defense if the grapes or raisins were eaten recently, was vomiting and administer activated charcoal (it absorbs toxins in the gastrointestinal tract). Vomiting is also the first sign that your dog is in trouble, so directly to the activated charcoal if vomiting has already occurred. (In a pinch you can make your own activated charcoal by charring a piece of bread until they are black and crumbles easily.) Then call your vet immediately.

Can the veterinarian to achieve? ASPCA Poison Control Call: 888-426-4435

The vet will keep your dog on intravenous fluids for at least 48 hours and blood levels monitored daily. Normal blood work after 3 days usually means that your dog is clear.

Keep a watchful eye, of course, is the best way to keep your pet out of trouble. Like children, dogs (and other pets do) a knack for stupid things when we are not looking.

It's not just the grapes ...

There are other foods your dog should be kept away, and some of them you may be surprised.

Here are some other foods which may pose health of dogs are:


Who can resist the chocolate? Since you do not, your dog.

Chocolate with cocoa beans and cocoa beans contain a chemical called theobromine which is toxic to dogs. So, Valentine's Day, you're nice to your best friend if you eat all the chocolates yourself?

Read my special report on chocolate to read more and see how the different types of chocolate have different effects on the health of dogs.

Cocoa Mulch

Cocoa bean shells are a by-product of chocolate production (which, like mulch the food "category or not) and are popular as mulch for landscaping. The owners, like color and smell attractive, and the fact that the mulch breaks down into organic fertilizer . However, some dogs love to eat and it contains theobromine.

Fatty foods

can low-fat food for a dog to digest and can overtax the pancreas, causing pancreatitis. This can threaten your dogs health and is potentially fatal.


Macadamia nuts should be avoided. In fact most nuts are not good for the health of dogs, as they will a high percentage of phosphorus lead to bladder stones.


Mulch is not food, but it is to eat one type tempting enough for the dogs. Some dogs are attracted to cocoa mulch, and eat them in different amounts. The coca bean shells can contain from 0.2% to 3% theobromine (toxin) to 1-4% in unprocessed beans compaired.


Onions, especially raw onions, has it been shown that anemia in dogs cause. (Stephen J. Ettinger, DVM and Edward C. Fieldman, DVM Book: Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine vol. 1884 2 pg.) Stay away from too much onion powder.


Potato poisonings among people and dogs are rare but have occurred. The toxin, solanine, is absorbed poorly and is only found in green sprouts (these tubers are exposed to sunlight) and skin potatoes green. This explains why incidents occur only rarely. Note that cooked, mashed potatoes are good for the health of dogs, actually quite nutritious and digestible.

Artificial Sweeteners

Xylitol is a sweetener in many products, sugar-free gum and sweets in particular. Ingestion of large amounts of products sweetened with xylitol can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar in dogs, which are depression, loss of coordination, and seizures. According to Dr. Eric K. Dunayer, a consulting veterinarian in clinical toxicology for the poison control center: "These characters can be developed very quickly, sometimes within 30 minutes after taking the product," says Dr. Dunayer ".. . Therefore, it is important that pet owners seek veterinary treatment. "


Turkey skin is currently cause for acute pancreatic dogs, partly because of its high fat content.

Other foods listed by the ASPCA as harmful:


Avocado (the only "fatty" member of the family of vegetables)

Coffee (all forms of coffee)

moldy or spoiled foods




The Bottom Line

Thank you, an educated public, fewer fatalities from foods like chocolate have recently been reported. However, it is important to follow, what is currently known about food and its effects on the health of dogs. Grapes and cocoa mulch, for example, were only recently discovered that harmful effects.

Check with sources like the ASPCA often or sign up for the News of the "cold nose" and we'll keep you posted. (You also have some cool things with your dog free registration).

Of course, alert and get your pet to the vet immediately, to a happy outcome if something unfortunate were to happen.

Here for your dogs health and good nutrition!


The meaning of dreams about dogs - you have cheated your partner?

The meaning of dreams about dogs - you have cheated your partner?

Dogs in dreams, represents infidelity, because male sex with a dog.

Many people bear the image of a dog in the dream image of a faithful friend, because this is their way of thinking about a dog in their daily lives. But the logic of dreams is different associations.

The meaning of all dreams is therapeutic. We have a wild and violent conscience inherited continue to try to control our behavior. The unconscious that produces our dreams functions like a natural doctor, the protection of the human aspect of our awareness of the absurdity of our wild side.

The immorality and infidelity are very destructive tendencies that can ruin our lives. They are absurd placed on our human conscience in our wild side, they are "our own" feelings.

We love people happiness and peace, while our side a wild animal is cruel and indifferent, who does what is bad, because he does not know how to love find peace. He had calmed fun with the terror and violence.

The distorted nature is the result of a process of self-defense against the disease. He had a lot of fun with the horror of existence, because he does not know how to live happily avoid it.

This means that the wild side of human consciousness is a real demon. It is the tragic result of the development of primitive consciousness disorganized.

To live a happy, peaceful creatures, which is his existence, must cultivate friendliness and sensitivity.

Only a small part of our consciousness that the characteristics of the man has learned to live in peace, thanks to the existence of the unconscious that smart sacred properties and we offer free psychotherapy in a dream, not only since the beginning of life, but since the beginning of our evolution as human beings on this planet.

If you cheat on your partner, or if you think someone does not respect moral principles, because they are stupid thinking, you see many dogs in your dreams.

Perhaps you are in love with someone should not want you, and you are ready to tell your partner. You are in a very dangerous situation because of the immorality of terrorism generates. The immorality and unbelief is working like a poison in your life, destroy your relationships and destroy your personality.

They feel sexual pleasure immoral fantasies, because it is the result of interference from your conscious wild and absurd penetrate your human consciousness.

The dog in the dream is a very great danger. Do not let you control fierce, but everyone respected the same way that you want to be respected.

This is not a moral lesson, but also dumb as a serious warning, save that your mind is and on the prevention of disasters in your life.


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