Posted on 10:41 PM
Understanding Diabetes in Dogs
The diagnosis of diabetes is becoming a more frequent occurrence in society. Not only is the disease being commonly diagnosed in young adults and children but also in dogs. Pet owners are finding that their canines are suffering from symptoms due to the lack of insulin produced by their bodies. Puppies may suffer from diabetes contributed to disorders of their immune system or as a result from the damage that parvovirus caused to the pancreas. Some breeds, such as Golden Retrievers, actually develop diabetes through inherited traits. As with people, obese dogs are also at a higher risk for developing the disease. More and more young dogs and pups are being diagnosed with diabetes by vets. For this reason, it is essential to take note of any abnormal behaviors that your dog displays regardless of its age.
Dogs can have two different types of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is divided into two groups, Type I and Type II. These forms of the disease are caused from the body s lack of producing insulin. When the body does not produce a hormone needed to help the kidneys carry out water absorption, Diabetes insipidus forms. The most common form of diabetes diagnosed in dogs is Diabetes mellitus.
There are a few different symptoms that can lead pet owners to believe that their dog may have diabetes. Puppies with the disease are most often characterized by the lack of growth. When a puppy does not gain weight despite normal eating habits, a problem such as diabetes may exist. The canine may also have an unusual need to drink and urinate frequently. The dog often begins to lose weight without explanation and can even loose the use of its hind legs. Any of these occurrences are signs that typically lead to the diagnosis of diabetes.
If it is suspected that a dog may have diabetes, it is best to contact a vet as soon as possible for proper diagnosis. If the condition is left untreated, serious side effects and even death can occur. The dog s organs may begin to shut down completely due to the high levels of sugar in the blood. Ignoring the signs is often fatal for the pet.
Typically, giving the animal insulin injections is the only effective treatments for canines. Controlling the condition solely through diet is often not a successful option. The level of sugar in the body should be checked by taking urine and blood samples on a regular basis. In addition, the dog should be placed on a feeding schedule that can be monitored by the owner.
Dogs diagnosed with diabetes can live normal and healthy lives just as any other dog. However, the condition needs attention from the master. For successful treatment and control, it is very important for dog owners to recognize the symptoms, contact a doctor, and then work with their vet by taking the animal for periodic check ups. With all of these actions in place, a diabetic dog can live a full and happy life. |
Understanding Diabetes in Dogs
Posted on 10:40 PM
Ear Infections in Dog
If you have ever suffered from an inner ear infection then you understand the pain and discomfort that it can cause. Thankfully, people can communicate their agony and contact a doctor for help. Unfortunately, a dog cannot do the same. Therefore, it is strictly up to the pet s owner to identify the discomfort from an ear infection and take the animal to the vet for treatment.
A middle or inner ear infection is a condition that needs to be given attention and treated promptly. If left untreated for a lengthy amount of time, the condition can worsen. It is extremely important to take notice of any signs that your dog exhibits that may indicate a problem with the ear.
There are several different indicators that may lead one to suspect that a dog is experiencing pain from an ear infection. Many dogs will shake their heads in attempt to knock out the agony. Others may scratch at their heads and ears to try to comfort them. In extreme cases, you may even notice a discharge coming from the ear or the head may appear swollen and inflamed. The ear may even have a bad odor from the infection build up inside of it.
When a dog has a middle or inner ear infection, it is usually caused from an problem that began outside of the ear and progressed inward. For this reason, it is critical to quickly treat any types of infections that are visible on the outer ear. These infections can be contributed to ear mites, poor hygiene, allergies, or filthy living conditions. Most ear infections in dogs are not bacterial as those found in humans.
Dogs with ears that flop over are especially susceptible to getting infections of the ear. If you own a pet, such as a cocker spaniel, that has floppy ears, it is important to keep the ears properly groomed. During each cleaning, check the dog s ears for any signs of infections. You will also want to carefully clip the hairs around the inner ear to prevent debris from becoming trapped.
If you believe that your canine may have an infection in his ear, you should contact your vet. The doctor will give the dog an otoscopic exam to confirm the problem. An x ray of the dog s head may also be needed. In some cases, the dog may need to be sedated in order for the doctor to give a thorough exam and flush the ear.
Most vets will treat an ear infection in a dog with a form of oral antibiotic. In some cases, a cream or ointment that is either antibiotic or anti fungal will also be prescribed. It is typically suggested that you put drops in the dog s ear to control the discomfort. It is extremely important to clean the ear before applying medicines. Ear mites will also need to be treated if present.
Ear infections can lead to very serious conditions if left untreated. In some cases, these conditions call for treatment though surgery. To prevent your pet from getting an ear infection, keep the pet properly groomed and treat ear mites as soon as they are noticed. If you feel that your pet may have an ear infection, contact your vet as soon as possible.
Ear Infections in Dog